Demons Gear
Shop Closes
November 18th
6th Grade Girls
There are no upcoming events.
Sunny Delassus
Sofia Figueroa
Sydney Leafblad
Addison Mathias
Aubrianna Poyser
Lauren Schmidgall
Lauryn Session
Additional Players will be added to this team. Some players may play on other Gurnee Demons Teams.
Rey Figueroa & Michael Skinner
Players must commit to a team online by Monday, November 4th by 6:00pm
Gurnee Demons Feeder Travel Team fee is $750.00 if you paid the $30 tryout fee. The Team fee of $780.00 is due if you did not pay the tryout fee. Gurnee Demons Travel Team fee is due at the first team practice made payable to BBall Dreams. All new players uniform package is $200 is due at the first practice made payable to BBall Dreams. All Players must bring their own water bottle, basketball and notebook and pen to all practices.
First Practice
Thursday, November 2nd from 6:30PM-8:00PM
Season Practices (2-Practices a week in November & December)
Tuesdays & Thursdays
TBD After The First Week Of Practice
League – Shootouts – Tournaments
Game Schedule – 2023-2024 Season 2023-2024 Season – Gurnee Demons (